NEW BOOK by Trent Phillips!


As creative artists, musicians of all kinds are gifted and trusted by the Creator to carry and to convey a particular sound. It’s our sound that makes our creative expression unique and causes us to impact those who listen. When musicians pray, God desires to hear the sounds of our hearts.

Sounds Of The Heart is a book of prayers and inspirational reflections written to help Musicians & Creative Artists awaken to the power of prayer and to assist in giving a voice to your thoughts and language to your emotions. What does this mean? When you want to pray about something specific... when you can’t seem to find the words... when you need encouragement and direction... open this book!

There are tailored prayers on topics such as: 

Gratitude | Creativity | Integrity | Finances | Marriage

Depression | Confidence | Fear | Focus

…and much more!

Also included are scripture references, space to journal your thoughts, and positive affirmations.

Let these prayers aid in lifting your heart’s sound toward God!


Click the buttons below to purchase your desired version of Sounds of the Heart.